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SSB 发射机制作

This project is relatively simple to construct, and will give a "presentable" SSB signal border=0>

This unit generates an SSB signal at an IF of 455KHz. TR1 forms the carrier oscillator which feeds the mixer and crystal filter. The oscillator coil uses an IF transformer from border=0>

This unit converts the SSB exciter signal to the final frequency you want to operate border=0>

Boosts the final optput up to about 1 watt or so. The 1K2 resistor in the PA base biasing circuit may need adjusting for about 300 mV DC across the 2R2 emitter resistor. This seemed to vary with different transistor types. For 14 MHz I used 2N4427 & 2N3866 for the PA but these plastic CB output transistors should work equally well (and not get so hot). Keep the PA kept away from the driver stage. I fitted my PA in a small die-cast aluminium box which also was the heatsink for the PA transistor.

T1 is also wound border=0>

This unit converts the SSB exciter signal to the final frequency you want to operate border=0>

Boosts the final optput up to about 1 watt or so. The 1K2 resistor in the PA base biasing circuit may need adjusting for about 300 mV DC across the 2R2 emitter resistor.

