It's been quite a while since I built a super-regenerative receiver for the FM broadcast band and I've been me......
FM Receiver 4 Transistor by BF184This is a pocket sized receiver I built in 1994. The idea was to make a simpl......
1、BGA(ball grid array) 球形触点陈列,表面贴装型封装之一.在印刷基板的背面按陈列方式制作出球形凸点用以 代替引脚,在印刷基板的正面装配LSI 芯片,然后用模压树脂或灌封方法进行密封.也称为凸 点陈列......
ADR 地址键 AIU 辅助设备接口单元AMEP 高级运动估测处理器AMLCD 有源矩阵液晶显示器AP 有效图像 APFC 有源功率因数校正电路ASL 自动排序逻辑AUSP 高级视频信号处理器Bidirectionall......
ENA 、STB 使能控制 集成电路启动端 ON/OFF功能 REF、 VREF、Vref、REG 基准电压输出端SS 、SST 软启动控制 外接电容器RT 外接振荡频率定时电阻CT、CTOSC 外接背光灯管工作振荡频率......
HC701 ......
ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 3.0 IntroductionThis programmer was designed in view of t......
Easy-Downloader V1.1 for ATMEL 89C2051/4051Build your own a personal writer for programming HEX code into Flas......
Circuit DescriptionThe amplifier operates in Class AB mode; the single 470R preset resistor controls the quie......
BC547 2N3866 2N4427 WBFM TX V7by Harry LythallIntroductionOk, so I have done a lot of playing around with the......