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电路设计->信号处理电子电路图->信号处理电子电路图->TI MSP432P401R超低功耗混合信号MCU开发方案

TI MSP432P401R超低功耗混合信号MCU开发方案

发布人:angelazhang 时间:2015-10-06 收藏

TI公司的MSP432P401R是基于ARM Cortex-M4的超低功耗混合信号32位MCU,集合了TI MSP430™低功耗DNA,混合信号特性和ARM 32位Cortex-M4 RISC引擎,具有模拟,定时和通信外设等多种特性,工作频率高达48MHz,主要用于工业与自动化如家庭自办动化,烟雾检测器,条码扫描仪,健康健美设备如手表,活动监视器和血糖仪,电表和流量表和消费类电子.本文介绍了MSP432P401R主要特性,功能框图以及MSP432P401R LaunchPad开发板主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计文件.

The MSP432P401x device family is TI’s latest addition to its portfolio of efficient ultra-low-power mixedsignal MCUs. The MSP432P401x family features the ARM Cortex-M4 processor in a wide configuration of device options including a rich set of analog, timing, and communication peripherals, thereby catering to a large number of application scenarios where both efficient data processing and enhanced low-power operation are paramount.

Overall, the MSP432P401x is an ideal combination of the TI MSP430™ low-power DNA, advance mixedsignal features, and the processing capabilities of the ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4 RISC engine. The devices ship with bundled driver libraries and are compatible with standardized components of the ARM ecosystem.


• Industrial and Automation
– Home Automation
– Smoke Detectors
– Barcode Scanners
• Health and Fitness
– Watches
– Activity Monitors
– Fitness Accessories
– Blood Glucose Meters
• Metering
– Electric Meters
– Flow Meters
• Consumer Electronics
– Mobile Devices
– Sensor Hubs

图1. MSP432P401R功能框图

MSP432P401R LaunchPad开发板

The MSP432P401R LaunchPad enables you to develop high performance applications that benefit from low power operation. It features the MSP432P401R – which includes a 48MHz ARM Cortex M4F, 95uA/MHz active power and 850nA RTC operation, 14-bit 1MSPS differential SAR ADC and AES256 accelerator.

This Launchpad includes an on-board emulator with EnergyTrace+ Technology, which means you can program and debug your projects without the need for additional tools, while also measuring total system energy consumption.

All pins of the MSP-EXP432P401R device are fanned out for easy access. These pins make it easy to plug in 20-pin and 40-pin BoosterPacks that add additional functionality like wireless, capacitive touch and more.

The out-of-box provided with the MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad features a graphical user-interface that enables the user to type in the desired beats per minute of an RGB LED, and select from over 16 million color options. See how simple it is to get started, with the MSP432 Quick Start Guide.

MSP432P401R LaunchPad开发板主要特性:

Low-power, high performance MSP432P401R MCU
48MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F with Floating Point Unit and DSP acceleration
Power consumption: 95uA/MHz active, and 850nA RTC standby operation
Analog: 24Ch 14-bit differential 1MSPS SAR ADC, Two Comparators
Digital: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES256) Accelerator, CRC, DMA, HW MPY32
Memory: 256KB Flash, 64KB RAM
Timers: 4 x16-bit, and 2 x 32-bit
Communication: Up to 4 I2C, 8 SPI, 4 UART
40 pin BoosterPack Connector, and support for 20 pin BoosterPacks
Onboard XDS-110ET emulator featuring EnergyTrace+ Technology
2 buttons and 2 LEDs for User Interaction
Back-channel UART via USB to PC
The MSP432P401R is the first MSP432 family device featuring low-power performance with an ARM Cortex-M4F core. Device features include:
• Low-power ARM Cortex-M4F MSP432P401R
• Up to 48-MHz system clock
• 256KB flash memory, 64KB SRAM, and 32KB ROM with MSPWare libraries
• Four 16-bit timers with capture/compare/PWM, two 32-bit timers, and RTC
• Up to eight serial communication channels (I2C, SPI, UART, and IrDA)
• Analog: 14-bit SAR ADC, capacitive touch, comparator
• Digital: AES256, CRC, uDMA
What’s Included
1 x MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad Development Kit
1 x Micro-USB cable
1 x Quick Start Guide

图2.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板外形图

图3.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板框图

图5.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(1)

图6.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(2)

图7.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(3)

图8.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(4)

图9.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(5)

图10.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(6)

图11.MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad开发板电路图(7)

