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stability error,稳定性误差
stability limit,稳定(性)极限
stability margin,稳定裕度;稳定裕量
stability method,稳定法
stability of towed body,拖曳体稳定性
stability theory,稳定性理论
stabilized load characteristic,稳定负载特性
stabilized supply apparatus,稳定电源
stabilized voltage varistor,稳压电压敏电阻器
stabilizing network,镇定网络
stabilizing period,稳定过程
stable region,稳定域
stable system,稳定系统
stable type gravimeter,稳定型重力仪
stacking test,堆码试验
stadia line,视距线
stadia rod,视距尺
stadia wave gauge,视距测波仪
staff tide gauge,验潮杆;水尺
stagnation pressure,滞止压力
stain sync,应变同步
standard acceleration transducer,标准加速度传感器
standard accelerometer,标准加速度计
standard buffer solution,标准缓冲溶液
standard calorimeter,标准型热量计
standard capacitor,标准电容器
standard cell,标准电池
standard deviation of a single measurement in a series of measurments,测量列中单次测量的标准(偏)差
standard deviation of the arithmetic mean of a series of measurements,测量列算术平均值的标准(偏)差
standard deviation of weighted arithmetic mean,加权算术平均值的标准(偏)差
standard electrode potential,标准电极电位
standard error,标准误差
standard error of estimate,估计量的标准误差
standard hardness tester,标准硬度计
standard hydrogen electrode,标准氢电极
standard hydrophone,标准氢电极
standard hydrophone,标准水听器
standard inductor,标准电感
standard material,标准物质
standard microphone,标准传声器
standard mutual inductor,标准互感器
standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT),标准铂电阻温度计
standard pressure,标准气压
standard resistor,标准电阻器
standard sample,标准试件;参考试件
standard sea water,标准海水
standard specification,标准规范
standard system,标准体系
standard test block,标准试块
standard test section,标准试验段
standard thermometer,标准温度表
standard time of obsevation,标准观测时间
standard value,标准值
standard water depth,标准水层深度;标准观测层次
standardized resistance thermometer sensor,标准化热电阻
standardized signal,标准化信号
standardized thermocouple,标准化热电偶
standby application,备用;待用
star network,星形网络
start bit,起始位
start temperature,初始温度
start-up time,启动时间
starting current,启动电流
starting speed,起动流速
starting time,启动时间
starting torque,启动转矩
starting wind velocity,起动风速
state diagram,状态图
state equation,状态方程
state equation model,状态方程模型
state estimation,状态估计
state feedback,状态反馈
state observer,状态观测器
state variable,状态变量
state vector,状态向量
static accuracy,静态精确度
static calibration,静态校准
static characteristic corve,静态特性曲线
static characteristics,静态特性
static decoupling,静态解耦
static display image,静态显示图象
static-dynamic strain indicator,静动态应变仪
static/dynamic universal testing machine,动静万能试验机
static gauging method,静态容积测量法
static load,静负荷
static load compensating device,静态负荷补偿装置
static (mass spectrometer) instruments,静态(质谱)仪器
static measurement,静态测量
static model,静态模型
static precision,静态精密度
static pressure,静压
static pressure tapping,静压取压孔
static pressure transducer [sensor],静态压力传感器
static resolution,静态分辨力
static SIMS,静态二次离子质谱法
static spring gravimeter,静力弹簧重力仪
static standard strain device,静态标准应变装置
static stiffness of the moving element suspension,运动部件悬挂静刚度
static strain,静应变
static thermal measuring instrument,静态热测量仪表
static thermal techniques,静态热技术
static torque calibuation stand,转矩[扭矩]静校台
static unbalance,静态不平衡力;静不平衡
static weighing method,静态称重法
static weights-hoist,静态挂码
statical strain indicator,静态应变仪
station number,站号
stationary array,固定检速架
stationary liquid,固定液
stationary phase,固定相
stationary X-ray detection apparatus,固定式X射线探伤机
statistic characteristics,统计特性
statistic model,统计模型
statistic pattern recognition,统计模式识别
statistical analysis,统计分析
statistical control,统计控制
statistical distribution analyzer,统计分布分析仪
statistical forecast,统计预测
stator gear,定子齿轮
STD-calibrating installation,温盐深(STD)检定装置
STD/SV system,温盐深声速测量系统
steady damp heat test,固定湿热试验
steady deflection,稳定偏转
steady flow,稳定流
steady pressure,稳态压力;稳压
steady state,稳态
steady-state deviation,稳态偏差
steady-state deviation of the n-th order,n阶稳态偏差
steady state error,稳态误差
steady state error coefficient,稳态误差系数
steady-state power conditions,稳态电源条件
steady state response,稳态响应
steady state value,稳态值
steady-state vibration,稳态振动
steady temperature damp test,恒温恒湿试验
steady torque,稳定力矩
stem guiding,阀杆导向
stem thermometer,棒状温度表
step-by-step control,步进控制
step control action,位式控制作用
step enabling condition,步进允许条件
step function,阶跃函数
step motor,步进电机
step-resistance gauge,触点验潮仪
step response,阶跃响应
step response time,阶跃响应时间
stepped ramp type,阶梯斜坡型
stepmotor actuator,步进电机执行机构
Stevenson screen,司蒂文森百页箱
stirrer device,搅拌装置
stochastic control system,随机控制系统
stochastic control theory,随机控制理论
stochastic excitation NMR,随机激发核磁共振(法)
Stockes line,斯托克线
stop bit,终止位
stop pin,挡销
storage allocation,存储分配
storage and transportation conditions,储存和运输条件
storage life,贮存寿命
straddle scintillation emanometer,脚踏式闪烁测氡仪
straight-flow wind tunnel,直流式风洞
straight form,直型
straight length,直管段
strain amplifier,应变放大器
strain amplitude,应变幅
strain anemometer,张力式风速表
strain effect,应变效应
strain field,应变场
strain gauge,应变片(计)
strain gauge acceleration transducer,应变式加速度传感器
strain-gauge bridge sensitivity,应变电桥灵敏度
strain gauge creep,应变计[片]蠕变
strain gauge drift,应变计[片]漂移
strain gauge installed by spraying process,喷涂式应变计
strain gauge pressure transducer,应变(计)式压力传感器
strain-gauge sensitivity,应变计[片]电路灵敏度
strain gauge ropque measuring instrument,应变式转矩测量仪
strain gauge torque transducer,应变式转矩传感器
strain gauge transducer [sensor],应变(计)式传感器
strain gauge typy wave direction meter,应变计式波向仪
strain gauge with base of impregnated type,浸胶基应变计
strain gauge with metal base,金属基底应变计
strain gauge with meal foil base,金属基应变计
strain gauge with organic film base,胶膜基应变计
strain gauge with temporary base,临时基底型应变计
strain indicator,应变仪
strain limit,应变极限
strain phase error,应变相位差
strain-resistance effect,应变—电阻效应
strain rosette,应变花
strain wine speed sensor,张力风速传感器
strategic funciton,策略函数
stray magnetic field,杂散磁场
stray radiant power,杂散辐射功率
stray radiant power ratio,杂散辐射功率比
stray radiation,杂散辐射
stress amplitude,应力幅
stress ratio,应力比
stress-strain guage,应力应变计
string galvanometer,弦线检流计
striking point,打击点
strip chart recorder,带形图纸记录仪;长图记录仪
strip-steel head and tail configuration measuring instrument,带钢头尾形状测量仪
stripping polarography,溶出极谱法
stroboscope tachometer,闪光式转速仪
strong magnetic film revolution speed transducer,强磁性薄膜式转速传感器
strong-motion instrument,强震仪
Strouhal number,斯特罗哈尔数
structural controllability,结构可控性;结构能控性
structural coordination,结构协调
structural decomposition,结构分解
structural observability,结构可观测性;结构能观测性
structural passability,结构稳定性
structure model,结构模型
structured program,结构化程序
structured programming,结构化程序设计
structured programming language,结构化程序设计语言
student's distribution,学生氏t分布


