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发布人:dolphin 时间:2012-07-30 收藏


Circuit Knowledge Test-1: DC-DC Switching Regulator

2006年马槟厂设计工程师试题-1 - 爱碎碎念的老翁 - weng3309 的博客

  1. If MP1580 switching frequency set at 400 KHz, and DC regulator output 5V, then please plot the switching wave-shape at IC pin-3 with line input 12V and 16V.假设MP1580工作在400 KHz,且稳压输出为5V,画出输入电压分别为12V 及 16V时,IC pin-3的正确波形。

  1. Now the DC regulated output is 5V. If we want to change the DC regulated output to 9V, what value of RP86 and RP89 are suitable for this change.目前的直流稳压输出为5V,如果希望提升为9V输出,如何修改RP86 及 RP89的数值。

  1. Explain the charge and discharge functions of MA701, LP15, CP61 components in details. 说明MA701, LP15, CP61元件的冲放电功能。

  1. According to MP1580 switching efficiency chart data: DC 12V input and DC 5V 240mA output will display 85% efficiency. What input current rating will be for 12V supply? 根据MP1580的规格书,当直流12V输入,输出为5V 240mA时,转换效率为85%,计算输入电流值。

  1. Same condition as the Question-4: If MP1580 IC with SOP-8 package dissipation 160°C/W, then what surface temperature will be for MP1580 at 25°C room temperature?同上第四题,MP1580采用SOP-8包装的传热系数为160°C/W,计算其室温25°C时的IC表面温度。

  1. What is the maximum allowable ripple voltage at 5V DC regulated output to assure 40 db S/N if this 5V will supply for a video function IC? 当直流稳压输出5V,用来供应影像电路时,为了确保达到40 db S/N,求其最大容许连波电压数值。

  1. Explain the function of CP59, LP17, LP16 components? 说明CP59, LP17, LP16元件的功能。


Circuit Knowledge Test-1: DC-DC Switching Regulator


2006年马槟厂设计工程师试题-1 - 爱碎碎念的老翁 - weng3309 的博客


RP86=62K, RP89=1K8.

(R86+R89+R87)/R87 = 5.0/Vref then Vref=5.0/4.12=1.22

RN86+RN89 = (9.0/Vref * R87) –R87 = 63.8K (62K + 1K8)

RP86=62K, RP89=1K8.


Switching pulse comes from ICP9 pin-3 and charge through LP15 to CP61 during switching-on duty-cycle. The inductive voltage across LP15 will then charge through DP8 to CP61 during switching-off duty-cycle. (Note that inductive current will produce reverse voltage across coil LP15)


120 mA

DC input power = 5 * 0.24 / 0.85 = 1.41 W then DC input current = 1.41/12 = 120 mA.


58.6 °C

Power loss = 1.41-1.2 = 0.21 W then Thermal heat rise Tht = 160 * 0.21 = 33.6 °C

Final junction temperature Tj = 25 + 33.6 = 58.6 °C


50 mVpp.

Because 40 db means 1% level, then 5 Volt d-c only allows for 50 mVpp ripple noise.


CP59: Boot-straping capacitor for driving output power FET.

LP17: Filter choke for filtering switching pulse generated from ICP9.

LP16: Filter choke for filtering switching noise to reach 40 db noise limit.

