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发布人:dolphin 时间:2016-10-14 收藏
  该电路立体声功率放大器。通过使用集成的电路的数目TDA2822内模型双放大器1W +1 W的带宽扩展速率为120kHz时40dB的使用电源从1.8V电源瓦15volt,,使用电流6mA馈电电源9volt到达电路C7将顺利进行过滤防火级别然后去养活电源给IC1的输入信号引脚上的左,右来改变VR1和VR2精细普及程度减少达到输入的声音已经从那个时候传的耦合变化C1和C2 IC1的7,8,6针和5分别从那个时候有一个信号,扩大再出去1引脚方式。

This circuit stereo power amplifier. By use integrated circuit number TDA2822 within be model Dual Amp give power watt at 1W +1W bandwidth expansion rates at 40dB 120kHz use power supply since 1.8V to 15volt and use current 6mA feed power supply 9volt reach the circuit C7 will perform filter fire level smoothly then go to feed power supply give with IC1 at 2 input signal pin will on the left and right that come in to change VR1 and VR2 for fine decrease popularity level has of the sound already coupling change C1 and C2 from that time pass by reach input of IC1 at 7, 8, 6 pin and 5 respectively from that time a signal had that to enlarged then go out 1 pin way.迷你立体声电路,使用IC TDA2822

  哪位输出的通道的信号上的左和引脚3种方式是在右侧的信道输出的左声道和右声道的信号输出将改变C3和C4的信号耦合达到扬声器。通过R1,C5和C6 R2执行消除噪音每个通道出去。

  当使用电源9伏到这个circuit.VR1和VR2调整的信号电平左右,引脚7和引脚6的IC1.The放大器IC1的输出引脚1和3,通过C4和C5耦合信号的左,右speakers.The的C6,R1和C7,R 2是,以降低噪声。


Which be output of the channel a signal on the left and pin 3 ways are output of the channel on the right by a signal output of left channel and right channel will change C3 and C4 signal coupling reach a loudspeaker. By have R1, C5 and R2 C6 perform eradicate the noise of each the channel goes out.

When using the power supply 9 volt into this circuit.VR1 and VR2 to adjust the signal level of the right and left, the pin 7 and pin 6 of IC1.The amplifier IC1 is out of the output pin 1 and pin 3, through the C4 and C5 coupling signals to the left and right speakers.The C6, R1 and C7, R2 is to reduce noise.

How to build this projects
This projects is simple stereo amplifier in small size PCB see in Figure 2 and you can put all parts in components layout.


IC1___________TDA2822_____DUAL POWER AMPLIFIER
C1,C2_________10uF 25V____Electrolytic capacitors
C3____________100uF 25V___Electrolytic capacitors
C4,C5_________470uF 25V___Electrolytic capacitors
C6,C7_________0.1uF 63V___Polyester capacitors
B1____________3V to 9V battery
Speaker 8 ohms

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