ST STM32F070RB 32位ARM Cortex-M0MCU开发方案
ST公司的STM32F070RB是采用高性能的ARM Cortex-M0 32位RISC内核的MCU,工作频率48MHz,具有高速嵌入存储器(多达128KB闪存,多达16KB SRAM),以及各种增强性外设和I/O,提供标准通信接口(两个I2C,两个SPI和四个USART),一个USB全速器件,一个12位ADC,7个通用16位计时器和一个PWM定时器.主要用在应用控制和用户接口,手持设备,A/V接收器和数字TV,PC外设,游戏和GPS平台,PLC,逆变器,打印机,扫描仪,告警系统,视频互连和HVAC等.本文介绍了STM32F070RB主要特性,框图和时种树图,以及评估板STM32072B-EVAL主要特性,元件布局图,框图,电路图和材料清单.
The STM32F070xB/6 microcontrollers incorporate the high-performance ARM? Cortex?-M0 32-bit RISC core operating at a 48 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (up to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory and up to 16 Kbytes of SRAM), and an extensive range of enhanced peripherals and I/Os. All devices offer standard communication interfaces (up to two I2Cs, up to two SPIs and up to four USARTs), one USB Full speed device, one 12-bit ADC, seven general-purpose 16-bit timers and an advanced-control PWM timer.
The STM32F070xB/6 microcontrollers operate in the -40 to +85 ℃ temperature range from a 2.4 to 3.6V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows the design of low-power applications.
The STM32F070xB/6 microcontrollers include devices in three different packages ranging from 20 pins to 64 pins. Depending on the device chosen, different sets of peripherals are included. The description below provides an overview of the complete range of STM32F070xB/6 peripherals proposed.
These features make the STM32F070xB/6 microcontrollers suitable for a wide range of applications such as application control and user interfaces, handheld equipment, A/V receivers and digital TV, PC peripherals, gaming and GPS platforms, industrial applications, PLCs, inverters, printers, scanners, alarm systems, video intercoms, and HVACs.
• Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0 CPU, frequency up to 48 MHz
• Memories
– 32 to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory
– 6 to 16 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity
• CRC calculation unit
• Reset and power management
– Digital & I/Os supply: VDD = 2.4 V to 3.6 V
– Analog supply: VDDA = VDD to 3.6 V
– Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR)
– Low power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby
• Clock management
– 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
– 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
– Internal 8 MHz RC with x6 PLL option
– Internal 40 kHz RC oscillator
• Up to 51 fast I/Os
– All mappable on external interrupt vectors
– Up to 5155 I/Os with 5V tolerant capability
• 5-channel DMA controller
• One 12-bit, 1.0 μs ADC (up to 16 channels)
– Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V
– Separate analog supply: 2.4 V to 3.6 V
• Calendar RTC with alarm and periodic wakeup from Stop/Standby
• 11 timers
– One 16-bit advanced-control timer for six-channel PWM output
– Up to seven 16-bit timers, with up to four IC/OC, OCN, usable for IR control decoding
– Independent and system watchdog timers
– SysTick timer
• Communication interfaces
– Up to two I2C interfaces
– one supporting Fast Mode Plus (1 Mbit/s) with 20 mA current sink,
– one supporting SMBus/PMBus.
– Up to four USARTs supporting master synchronous SPI and modem control; one with auto baud rate detection
– Up to two SPIs (18 Mbit/s) with 4 to 16 programmable bit frames
– USB 2.0 full-speed interface with BCD and LPM support
• Serial wire debug (SWD)
• All packages ECOPACK®2
Entry-level ARM Cortex-M0 Value line MCU with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, 48 MHz CPU
图2. STM32F070RB时钟树框图
The STM32072B-EVAL evaluation board is designed as complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM cortex-M0 core-based STM32F072VBT6 microcontroller with two I2C, two SPI, four USART, one CAN, 12bit ADC, 12bit DAC, two GP comparators, internal 16KB SRAM and 128KB Flash, USB FS, Touch sensing, CEC, SWD debugging support. The full range of hardware features on the board is designed for the evaluation of all the peripherals (for example the motor control connector, USB full-speed, RS232, RS485, Audio DAC, microphone ADC, Touch sensing buttons, TFT LCD, CAN, IrDA, IR LED, IR receiver, LDR, MicroSD card, CEC on two HDMI connectors, Smart card slot, RF E2PROM and the temperature sensor) and for the development of user-specific applications. Extension headers are used to easily connect a daughter board or wrapping board for the user-specific applications. The ST-LINK/V2 is integrated on the board as embedded in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM32 MCU.
• Four 5 V power supply options: power jack, ST-LINK/V2 USB connector, user USB connector or daughter board
• Stereo audio jack which supports a headset with microphone connected to DAC and ADC of STM32F072VBT6.
• 2 G Byte (or more) SPI interface MicroSD card
• I2C compatible serial interface temperature sensor
• RS232 and RS485 communication
• IrDA transceiver
• IR LED and IR receiver
• SWD debug support, ST-LINK/V2 embedded
• 240x320 TFT color LCD connected to SPI interface of STM32F072VBT6
• Joystick with 4-direction control and selector
• Reset and tamper buttons
• Four color user LEDs and two LEDs as MCU low power alarm
• Extension connector for daughter board or wrapping board
• MCU voltage choice fixed 3.3 V or adjustable from 1.65 V to 3.6 V
• USB full-speed connector
• Touch sensing buttons
• RTC with backup battery
• CAN2.0A/B compliant connector
• Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
• Potentiometer
• Two HDMI connectors with DDC and CEC
• Smart Card slot
• Motor control connector
图19.评估板STM32072B-EVAL TFT LCD电路图(1)
图20.评估板STM32072B-EVAL TFT LCD电路图(2)