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电路设计->综合电路图->综合电路图->lt1615 采用ThinSOT 封装的微功率升压型DC/D

lt1615 采用ThinSOT 封装的微功率升压型DC/D

发布人:dolphin 时间:2012-11-12 收藏

lt1615 采用ThinSOT 封装的微功率升压型DC/DC转换器

The LT®1615/LT1615-1 are micropower step-up DC/DC converters in a 5-lead low profile (1mm) ThinSOT package. The LT1615 is designed for higher power systems with a 350mA current limit and an input voltage range of 1.2V to 15V, whereas the LT1615-1 is intended for lower power and single-cell applications with a 100mA current limit and an extended input voltage range of 1V to 15V. Otherwise, the two devices are functionally equivalent. Both devices feature a quiescent current of only 20µA at no load, which further reduces to 0.5µA in shutdown. A current limited, fixed off-time control scheme conserves operating current, resulting in high efficiency over a broad range of load current. The 36V switch allows high voltage outputs up to 34V to be easily generated in a simple boost topology without the use of costly transformers. The LT1615’s low off-time of 400ns permits the use of tiny, low profile inductors and capacitors to minimize footprint and cost in space-conscious portable applications.

  • Low Quiescent Current:
    20µA in Active Mode
    1µA in Shutdown Mode
  • Operates with VIN as Low as 1V
  • Low VCESAT Switch: 250mV at 300mA
  • Uses Small Surface Mount Components
  • High Output Voltage: Up to 34V
  • Low Profile (1mm) ThinSOT Package

Typical Application 封装ThinSOTLT1615 pdf datasheet (Micropower Step-UpDC/DC Converters in ThinSOT)

