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电路设计->控制电路图->电机控制专区电路图->高电流双极步进电机控制器电路,High current bi

高电流双极步进电机控制器电路,High current bi


高电流双极步进电机控制器电路,High current bipolar stepper motor controller



High Current Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller kit is based on chopper drive. Chopper drive is a method of providing a constant current source to a device. Chopper drive allows for use of higher voltage power supply for better performance and higher speed. It is uses SGS Thomson's L297 and L298 controller IC's.

Logic supply - 5 VDC @ 300 mA

Motor Supply - 8 to 30 VDC

Connection via 10-pin Box Header for easy interface with any microcontroller development boards

External or internal voltage reference option via jumper

Onboard preset for current adjustment

High speed switching diodes for L298 IC protection

Power-On LED indicator for both the supplies

Power Battery Terminal (PBT) for easy supplies and motor connection

Heat sink included

Four mounting holes 3.2 mm each

PCB dimensions 74 mm x 71 mm


