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电路设计->医疗保健电路图->医疗电子电路图->电子治疗器-----E-therapy device

电子治疗器-----E-therapy device


1. 电路原理
当电源接通,晶体管VT1, VT2导通,通过变压器绕组L1和 L2耦合形成正反馈过程,使晶体管迅速进入饱和状态,从而形成很陡的脉冲前沿。当晶体管进入饱和状态后,基极就失去了对集电极电流的控制作用,开始了脉冲顶部的形成过程。由于脉冲前沿时间极短,变压器中的磁化电流还来不及建立,电容C2也来不及充电,而晶体管已处于深饱和状态,因此电压Ucc近似为零,晶体管集电极线圈L1上电压u1近似为电源电压,并基本保持不变,所以晶体管基极线圈L2上电压U2也不变。在脉冲前沿结束后,电压U2通过晶体管VT1、VT2的发射结电阻对电容C2充电。随着电容C2两端的电压Uc2不断增加,晶体管电压Ueb下降,当电压Ueb降低到一定程度,晶体管将要脱离饱和区进入放大状态时,脉冲顶部过程结束,将进入脉冲后沿阶段。
当晶体管进入放大状态后,晶体管电压Ueb继续下降,即晶体管基极电流ib继续减小,经晶体管放大后就使集电极电流ib减小,于是再次产生正反馈过程,使晶体管迅速截止,形成很陡的脉冲后沿。由于晶体管迅速截止,所以在晶体管集电极线圈L1中产生感应电压U1,阻止集电极电流减小,因此形成一个电压反冲现象,反冲衰减后,晶体管仍截止,于是电容C2通过电位器RP1、电阻R2、电源GB回路放电。由于R2和RP1阻值很大,电容C2的放电速度缓慢。随着放电电流的减小,晶体管基极电位降低,当晶体管电压Ueb高于0. 3V时,晶体管再次导通进入放大状态,开始了下一个脉冲的形成,如此周而复始,电路就产生了自激振荡。
电路中晶体管VT1与VT2连接成复合形式,可提高状态转换速度。脉冲的输出是通过线圈L3粘合,具有阻抗匹配,提高输出脉冲峰值,并隔离直流的作用。R为泄流电阻,以提高温度稳定性,其数值由实验确定;固定电阻R2、可调电位器RP1与电容C2构成晶体管基极定时元件,它们的取值影响脉冲间歇时间的长短,而电容C2的取值同时又影响脉冲宽度。VD为发光二极管,用于电源开关的指示, R1电阻为发光二极管VD的限流电阻,其取值较大,主要考虑到用干电池时省电,C1为旁路电容,其取值越大越好,可减小交流通路的内阻,在用干电池供电时尤为重要。
整机所有元件均为市售(极片除外).机壳采用晶体管收音机(三管机)小型机壳。变压器是利用晶体管收音机中的输出(输入)变压器的铁心和骨架,用直径0.13mm的漆包线绕制。L1为25匝,L2为30匝,L3为330匝。在制作时注意变压器L1与L2两个绕组的相位关系,见原理图中同名端标记。图中RP2为输出脉冲峰值调节,它采用带开关的电位器,同时控制电源的开和闭, RP1为频率调节。发光二极管VD直接焊在印制电路板反面的铜片上,使发光的部位正好对准机壳正面的有机玻璃窗口(即收音机的频率调谐指示窗)。极片可以自制,找两个药瓶盖子,直径大约是35mm左右。再找两块铜片将其剪成直径略小于瓶盖内径的圆形,用两根长1m左右的胶线穿过药瓶盖子(在药瓶盖上事先穿两个孔),并焊在铜片上.在铜片的上部垫一层薄棉花,外表再包一层纱布,然后塞入瓶盖。自制电极片示意图见图。一般来说瓶盖大一些,内铜片也大一些,棉层薄一些,则刺激强度也大;反之则相反。极片也可以做成其它形状.以操作方便为宜。如能用导电橡胶代替铜片则操作更为方便。
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E-therapy device
Electronic treatment device is a use of electrical pulses to stimulate acupuncture points on the human body in order to achieve the purpose of medical treatment and health care an electronic device.
How to make "electronic treatment device" good treatment effect? Producers had different parameters of electrical pulse therapy devices for the electronic test and trial. Proved pulse amplitude larger, narrower pulse width, pulse frequency is adjustable in a range of electronic treatment device, the better the treatment effect.
1. Circuit
Electronic circuit schematic shown in Figure therapy. It is a transformer coupling of Che oscillator used to generate the pulse signal, after power on, need for external signal can be induced oscillation Gateway. Here it works.
When power is connected, transistors VT1, VT2 conduction through the transformer windings L1 and L2 form a positive feedback process coupled to the transistor into saturation quickly, forming a very steep pulse front. When the transistor into saturation, the base will lose control of the collector current role, began the formation of the pulse top. As the pulse rise time is very short in the transformer magnetizing current had time to build, charging capacitor C2 is too late, but transistors are in deep saturation, so voltage Ucc approximately zero, the transistor collector coil L1 is approximately the voltage u1 supply voltage, and essentially unchanged, so the transistor base voltage on the coil L2 U2 also unchanged. Front end of the pulse, the voltage U2 by transistors VT1, VT2 of the emitter resistor charging the capacitor C2. As the voltage across the capacitor C2 Uc2 increasing transistor voltage Ueb down, when the voltage Ueb reduced to a certain level, the transistor from the saturated zone will be enlarged into the state, the pulse at the top end of the process, will enter the pulses along the stage.
When the transistor into the enlarged state, the transistor voltage Ueb continued to decline, that is, the transistor base current ib to continue to decrease, after amplification by the transistor collector current ib to decrease, so once again generated positive feedback process, so that the transistor cut-off quickly, forming very After the steep pulse along. As the deadline fast transistors, so the transistor collector voltage is induced in the coil L1 U1, stop the collector current decreases, thus forming a voltage recoil phenomenon, recoil attenuation, the transistor remains cut-off, then capacitor C2 through the potentiometer RP1, resistor R2, the power circuit discharge GB. Much resistance as R2, and RP1, slow discharge capacitor C2. As the discharge current decreases, the transistor base potential decreased, when the transistor voltage Ueb higher than 0. 3V, the transistor into conduction again to enlarge the state, beginning the formation of the next pulse, again and again, the circuit will produce a self-excited oscillation.
Oscillation pulses through two great pieces made from the copper export, acting on the body of some points, play a role in healing.
VT1 and VT2 transistor circuit connected complex forms, can increase the speed of state transitions. Pulse output is bonded by the coil L3, with impedance matching to improve the output pulse peak, and the role of isolated DC. R for the discharge resistance, to improve the temperature stability, its value determined by the experiment; fixed resistor R2, adjustable potentiometer RP1 transistor and capacitor C2 form the base timing components, their values affect the length of pulse interval, while the capacitance C2 also affect the values of pulse width. VD for the light-emitting diode, the instructions for the power switch, R1 resistor for LED current limiting resistor VD, its value was largely taken into account when using battery power, C1 for the bypass capacitor, the better its value can reduce the communication channel of resistance, in particularly important when using battery power.
To achieve the above-mentioned self-oscillating, the key question is the pulse transformer with two windings L1 and L2 with the same name end of the connection, to ensure a positive feedback.
2. Production and commissioning
Electronic treatment device printed circuit board shown in Figure below (a little).
Machine all components are commercially available (except for most films). Case with the transistor radio (3 machine) a small chassis. Transformer is to use the transistor radio in the output (input) transformer core and skeleton, with a diameter of 0.13mm enameled wire winding. L1 is 25 turns, L2 is 30 turns, L3 330 turns. When attention in the production of two winding transformer L1 and L2 phase relationship, see the schematic diagram of the same name end tag. The figure for the output pulse peak RP2 regulation, it is used with switch potentiometer, while controlling the power of open and closed, RP1 for the frequency adjustment. VD directly soldered LED printed circuit board copper on the negative, so precisely aligned parts of glowing glass front window casing (ie, radio frequency tuning instructions window). Pole piece can be made to find the two bottle cap, the diameter is about 35mm or so. To find two pieces of copper cut into slightly less than the diameter of the circular cap diameter, 1m long with two lines through the plastic around the bottle cap (the bottle through the two holes pre-stamped), and welding the brass plate. In the upper copper layer of thin cotton pad, then pack a layer of gauze surface, and then stuffed cap. Home electrode diagram shown in Figure. Generally speaking, bigger cap, which is also a large number of copper, thin cotton number, then the stimulus intensity also great; the contrary the opposite. Pole pieces can also be made of other shapes. Easy to operate is appropriate. Such as conductive rubber can be used instead of copper is more convenient to operate.

