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电路设计->光电电路图->光电闪光电路图->200W功率的灯闪光电路,200W Lamp Flasher

200W功率的灯闪光电路,200W Lamp Flasher


200W功率的灯闪光电路,200W Lamp Flasher



200W Lamp Flasher kit is used to flash lamps, bulbs and halogen lamp to give your product that attracting look.

Input supply - 6 ~ 12 VDC

Output - upto 200 W lamp / bulb load

Optically isolated Mains supply

Onboard preset to adjust the frequency (speed) of flashing (1 Hz to 5 Hz)

Power Battery Terminal (PBT) for easy input 230 VAC mains and load connection

Terminal pins for connecting DC power supply

Four mounting holes of 3.2 mm each

PCB dimensions 36 mm x 68 mm


200W闪光灯电路 www.eepw.com.cn

关键词: 功率 闪光 Flasher

