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semi-physical simulation,半实物仿真
sensing clement,敏感元件;检测元件
sensing gorque shaft,转矩传感轴
sensitive grid,敏感栅
sensitive limit,灵敏限
sensitivity analysis,灵敏度分析
sensitivity coefficient,灵敏度系数
sensitivity drift,灵敏度漂移
sensitivity of microphone,传声器灵敏度
sensitization type inclinometer,感光记录测斜仪
sensor with bare wire sensitive element,裸丝敏感元件传感器
sensor with externalconvection sensitive element,外对流敏感元件传感器
sensor with intrnalconvection sensitive element,内对流敏感元件传感器
sensor with supporter catalyst filled element,载体催化元件传感器
sensory control,感觉控制
separate galvanometer,分装式检流计
separation number,分离数
sequential auto-spectrometer,顺序式自动光谱仪
sequential control,顺序控制
sequential control station,顺序控制站
sequential control system,顺序控制系统
sequential controller,顺序控制器
sequential decomposition,顺序分解
sequential least squares estimation,序贯最小二乘估计
sequential optimization,顺序优化
sequential program,顺序程序
sequential topology,顺序拓朴
sequential X-ray spectrometer,扫描X射线光谱仪
serial access,串行存取
serial computer,串行计算机
serial crate controller,串行机箱控制器
serial crate controller type L2,L2型串行机箱控制器
serial grade-L field,串行分级L字段
serial highway,串行信息公路
serial operation,串行操作
serial processing,串行处理
serial transmission,串行传输
series capacitor,串联电容器
series inductor,串联电感器
series-mode rejection,串模抑制
series-mode rejection ratio(SMRR),串模抑制比
series-mode signal,串模信号
series-mode voltage,串模电压
series operation,串联工作
series output system,串行输出制
series resistor,串联电阻器
series-parallel output system,串—并行输出制
service regulator,气源减压器
service routine,服务程序;实用例行程序
service speed,工作转速
service system,服务系统
servo amplifier,伺服放大器
servo-balancing type,随动[伺服]平衡型
servo control,伺服控制;随动控制
servo motor,伺服电动机;伺服马达
servo pressure transducer,伺服式压力传感器
servo transducer [sensor],伺服式传感器
servo valve,伺服阀
servo-valve control device,伺服阀控制装置
set point,设定点
set point control (SPC),设定点控制
set point generator,设定点发生器
set (point) value,设定值
setting spring,设定弹簧
setting temperature,设定温度
settling time,建立时间
sferics recorder,天电记录器;闪电记录器
SGL encoder,SGL编码器
shading coil,分磁环
shadow column instrument,影条式仪表
shaft axis of rotor,转子轴线
shallow-layer seismograph,浅层地震仪
shear strength,剪切强度
shear wave probe,横波探头
shear wave technique,横波法
shearing speed,剪切速率
shearing strain,剪应变
shearing stress,剪切应力;剪应力
sheathed thermocouple,铠装热电偶
sheathed thermometer,套管温度表
shelf-mounted instrument,架装仪表
sheltered location,掩蔽场所
shielded strain gauge,屏蔽式应变计
shipboard instrument,船用仪器仪表
shipboard PH meter,船用PH值
shipboard spectrophotometer,船用分光光度计
ship-borne wave gauge,船舷测波仪
shipping mark,收发货标志
shipping package,运输包装
shock excitation,冲击激励
shock-piston type corer,振动活塞式取样管
shock response spectrum,冲击响应谱
shock test,冲击试验
shock (testing) machine,冲击台
shock transducer [sensor],冲击传感器
shock vibration,冲击振动
shockproof packaging,防震包装
Shore durometer number,邵氏硬度值
Shore durometer,邵氏硬度计
Shore hardness number,肖氏硬度值
Shore hardness penetrator,肖氏硬度压头
Shore hardness tester,肖氏硬度计
short circuit ring,短路环
short period seismograph,短周期地震仪
shorted junction,短路端
shorted junction type sheathed thermocouple,接壳型铠热装电偶
shortest sighting distance,最短视距
shunt meter,分流仪表
shunt type current [turbo] flowmeter,分流旋翼式流量计
shut off pressure,阀关闭出入口压力
side load,横向载荷
side-well neutron logger,井壁中子测井仪
sighting device,粗瞄准器
sighting level,照准部水准器
sighting point,照准点
sign bit acquisition system,符号位地震仪
signal amplitude sequencing control,信号幅值顺序控制
signal characterizer,信号表征器
signal common,信号公共线
signal converter,信号转换器
signal detection and estimation,信号检测和估计
signal duration,信号持续时间
signal enhancement shallowlayer seismograph,信息增强型浅层地震仪
signal flow diagram,信号流(程)图
signal isolation,信号隔离
signal processing,信号处理
signal processing system,信号处理系统
signal selector,信号选择器
signal-to-noise ratio,信噪比
signature analysis,图形分析法
significant wave,有效波
significant wave height,有效波高
significant wave period,有效波周期
silicon carbide varistor,碳化硅电压敏电阻器
silicon crystal gas sensor,碳单晶气敏元件
similarity index,相似指数
simple harmonic quantity,简谐波
simple harmonic vibration,简谐振动
simple pan balance,单盘天平
simple piston gauge,简单活塞式压力计
simple transmission electron microscope,简易型透射电子显微镜
simplex transmission,单工传输
simplified model,简化模型
simulated data,仿真数据
simulated interrupt,仿真中断
simulating strain,模拟应变
simulating strain device,模拟应变装置
simulation algorithm,仿真算法
simulation algorithm libray,仿真算法库
simulation block diagram,仿真(方)框图
simulation centre,仿真中心
simulation clock,仿真时钟
simulation data base,仿真数据库
simulation environment,仿真环境
simulation equipment,仿真设备
simulation evaluation,仿真评价
simulation experiment,仿真实验
simulation experiment modelibrary,仿真实验模式库
simulation expert system,仿真专家系统
simulation graphic library,仿真图形库
simulation information library,仿真信息库
simulation job,仿真作业
simulation knowledge base,仿真知识库
simulation laboratoryt,仿真实验室
simulation language,仿真语言
simulation methodology,仿真方法学
simulation model,仿真模型
simulation model library,仿真模型库
simulation process,仿真过程
simulation process time,仿真过程时间
simulation program,仿真程序
simulation result,仿真结果
simulation run,仿真运行
simulation software,仿真软件
simulation support system,仿真支持系统
simulation system,仿真系统
simulation technique,仿真技术
simulation type,仿真类型
simulation velocity,仿真速度
simulation work station,仿真工作站
simultancous comparison method,同时比较法
simultaneous technique,同时联用技术;同时并用技术
sing around method,声环法
sing-around velocimeter,环鸣声速仪
single acting positioner,单作用定位器
single arm measurement,单臂测量
single beam spectrum radiator,单光束光谱辐射计
single board microcomputer,单片微(型)计算机
single bounce technique,一次反射法
single-channel FSK system,单通道FSK系统
single channel recorder,单通道记录仪
single core typy current transformer,单铁心型电流互感器
single ended transducer,单端换能器
single field lens,单场透镜
single focusing,单聚焦
single-focusing mass spectrograph,单聚焦质谱仪
single-focusing mass spectrometer,单聚焦质谱计
single function(measuring)instrument,单功能(测量)仪表
single gauge measurement,单计[片]测量
single grain layer varistor,单颗粒层电压敏电阻器
single-idler electronic belt conveyor scale,单托辊电子皮带秤
single input single output control system;SISO control system,单输入单输出控制系统
single-jet water meter,单流束水表
single-junction SQUID,单结量子干涉器
single junction temperature transducer [sensor],单结温度传感器
single level process,单级过程
single loop control,单回路控制
single loop control system,单回路控制系统
single loop controller,单回路控制器
single magnet galvanometer,单磁式振动子
single-pass internal reflection element,单通内反射元件
single-path diagonal-beam flowmeter,单声道斜束式流量计
single-path ratio thermometer,单通道比色温度计
single piston pressure-vacuum gauge,单活塞压力真空计
single-plane (static) alancing,单面(静)平衡
single-plane (static)balancing machine,单面(静)平衡机
single probe technique,单探头法
single range (measuring) instrument,单范围[量限](测量)仪表
single sheet apparatus for measuring specific total losses of magnetic sheet and strip,单片电工钢片[带]比总损耗测量装置
single scintillation radioactive logger,单道闪烁辐射测井仪


