工业控制 | 能源技术 | 汽车电子 | 通信网络 | 安防监控 | 智能电网 | 移动手持 | 无线技术 | 家用电器 | 数字广播 | 消费电子 | 应用软件 | 其他方案



The RT9247 is a multi-phase buck DC/DC controller integrated with all control functions for GHz CPU VRM.The RT9247 controls 2 or 3 buck switching stages operating in interleaved phase set automatically. The multi-phase architecture provides high output current while maintaining low power dissipation on power devices and low stress on input and output capacitors. The high equivalent operating frequency also reduces the component dimension and the output voltage ripple in load transient.

关键词: 电子电路图 RT9

