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电路设计->微机单片机电路图->单片机综合电路图->PIC单片机编程器2-----PIC programmer

PIC单片机编程器2-----PIC programmer


This PIC Programmer was designed by Jens Madsen. If you require more information try the guestbook for the PIC Programmer.

This PIC Programmer is able to program: PIC12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X, 16C8X, 16F8X, ISO-CARD's with ASF and other serial programmable chips by adapter.

The PIC Programmer can connect to a 25/9 pin serial port, use the serial pin-out tables to determine the correct pins to use when wiring. The schematic above assumes you are using a 9 pin female connector (to connect to an ATX motherboards).


There are probably several applications available for the PIC Programmer II, but the two most popular, I beleive, are:

  • PP2 utility, by Malte Kiesel (a DOS based program)

  • IC-Prog Programmer, by Bonny Gijzen (Windows based program)

  • For more software (including PIC16C84 utilities) check out Jens' website


